Foundation Fernet-Branca

20th October 2013 – 23rd March 2014

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PRESS – EXTRACT from Dossier de presse Pièces Montrées


« La Collection Impossible »

Commissaire invité : Roland Recht

Vernissage : samedi 19 octobre 2013 à 17h

In 2013, the FRACs (French regional contemporary art collections) are celebrating their 30th anniversary. This anniversary is a chance for FRACs all over France to assert their presence and their missions through specific events, not only in the regional context but also at national and international levels. A part of this programme is a wide-ranging, institutionally orientated exhibition being held concurrently over 4 sites under the title Pièces Montrées – FRAC Alsace, 30 years of Collecting. It has been put together from the FRAC collection and is being presented at the Chapelle des Annonciades / Historical Museum Haguenau, the MAMCS Strasbourg (Modern and Contemporary Art Museum), the Frac Alsace Sélestat and the Fernet-Branca Foundation in Saint-Louis.

The Fernet-Branca Foundation site, the largest in the exhibition, has the advantage of providing a choice from the FRAC collection that is both far-reaching and complex. It has been organized by Roland Recht, honorary director of the Strasbourg museums, professor at the Collège de France and member of the Institut de France, in tandem with Olivier Grasser. Roland Recht is a historian and specialist in medieval art, but he has for long shown a deep interest in modern and present-day creation, having staged notable exhibitions over the last thirty years and been an active critic, with the eye of a cultivated connoisseur and the mind of a humanist, on the contemporary art scene.

Œuvres de : Ziad Antar, John Armleder, Marc Bauer, Gerd Bonfert, Jean-Baptiste Bruant, Frédéric Lormeau, Maria Spangaro, Balthasar Burkhard, Jean-Marc Bustamante, Damien Cabanes, Chen Zhen, David Claerbout, Clément Cogitore, Didier Courbot, Stéphane Couturier, Bill Culbert, Christophe Cuzin, Marcel Dinahet, Hubert Duprat, Jan Fabre, mounir fatmi, Jean-Louis Faure, Pierre Filliquet, Gregory Forstner, Maïder Fortuné, Vidya Gastaldon, Sylvain Gouraud, Thomas Hirschhorn, Valérie Jouve, Naji Kamouche, Jan Kopp, Marcus Kreiss, Ange Leccia, Philippe Lepeut,  Andrew Lewis, Fabian Marti, Charles Mason, Nelly Massera,  Olga Mesa et Francisco Ruiz de Infante, Henri Michaux, Anita Molinero, Richard Monnier, Susan Morris, Patrick Neu, Walter Niedermayr, Astrid Nippoldt, Panamarenko, Gaetano Pesce, Fernande Petitdemange, Étienne Pressager, Marie Prunier,  Bernard Quesniaux, Sophie Ristelhueber, Didier Rittener,  Peter Rösel, Jean-Michel Sanejouand, Daniel Schlier, Kristina Solomoukha, Gerda Steiner & Jörg Lenzlinger, Josef Sudek, Benjamin Swaim, Stéphane Thidet, Stefanos Tsivopoulos, Cy Twombly, Petra Werlé, Raphaël Zarka, Gilberto Zorio