Clockwork Gallery

August – October 2008
Hallesches Tor

Academics find formula for 14 extra years of life
Susan Morris & George Marshall

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CLOCKWORK_the formula for LIFE


Academics Find Formula for 14 Extra Years of Life
Susan Morris and George Marshall
2 x Posters, each 85 x 120 cm, and a limited edition postcard.
A poster project run by Alexander Hassenßlug.

Academics Find Formula for 14 Extra Years of Life was made in response to a headline printed in a British daily newspaper. The artists were struck both by the curious wording of the phrase and by the absurdity of the research, which revealed that if you ate extremely well, exercised daily and didn’t smoke any cigarettes then you would live longer. The piece for Clockwork Gallery attempted to translate this headline into its numerical equivalent. The piece consists of two posters for display in an advertising space in a public square, and a limited edition postcard. Of the posters, one shows the original headline, the other reproduced the mathematical calculations, diagrams and drawings used to arrive at the formula. The formula itself was printed on a postcard and distributed from Berlin: posted and stamp-marked during the period of the exhibition. This ‘formula’ for extra life, written out above, was devised by taking government guidelines for health, and relies on the following six inputs (note that you will only get the result ‘14’ if these inputs correspond to those recommended by the government):

A= units of alcohol consumed per week
E= hours of exercise taken per week
F= fruit and vegetables consumed per day
C= cigarettes smoked a day
G = gender: G=1 for women (F), G=0 for men (M)
X ? [0,50] = Spark of Life.

α = 72.5
β = 1800:99
γ= 5
f(x) = 100×2 – 140x + 50 X ∈ [0,50] = Spark of Life

The “Spark” of Life represents the amount of vitality that any one person may or may not have, and is something that cannot be affected by external forces. It is a random variable taking values between 0 and 50 with a normal distribution. Hence the average is 25. This is included in the formula to represent the fact that no matter what lifestyle one chooses to follow it is impossible to be completely certain of ones longevity. Some people smoke their whole lives and live to be ninety; some don’t and die of lung cancer at sixty. This “spark”, therefore, represents some inherent vitality that we all possess to different degrees.

Behaviour of average person
E = 0.4
A = 10 Male life = 75.04 years
F = 3 Female life = 80.04 years
C = 3
X = 25

Government recommended lifestyle
E = 1
A = 5 Male life = 89.04 years
F = 5 Female life = 94.04 years
C = 0
X = 25

CONCLUSION: Government Recommended Lifestyle yields 14 EXTRA YEARS OF LIFE